PPG Chair and Deputy Chair annual review Feb 2023




Covering period from 2021 – February 2023

Primary Care services have continued to face problems and the Patient Participation Group has continued to support and represent patients to SBMC. In February volunteers were stood down for Covid vaccination clinics when individual practices took on responsibility for their own patients. The PPG organised and provided volunteers to support the combined flu/Covid clinics held at SBMC premises on Manzil Way on Saturday mornings.

Traffic concerns and the ongoing closure of Lake Street at short notice in late September for roof and boiler repairs dominated the mid and latter part of the year. The introduction of LTN’s during the pandemic raised concerns that practice staff would have more difficulty when journeying between sites and when making home visits. These concerns were compounded by the planned introduction of bus gates and limits on parking spaces which it is feared will impact recruitment, already difficult.

The closure of Lake Street originally planned for three months has been very disruptive and there is anecdotal evidence of patients moving practices. In early January the PPG Chair met on site with the local Councillor, practice staff, construction team and an NHSPS representative. Despite assurances, the building remained closed. The chair contacted Annaliese Dodds MP on behalf of patients and she has written to the Head of NHSPS in a letter signed by city and county councillors.

Marie Tidball, PPG member and local councillor left the group. Her successor is a patient and is happy to support the PPG as necessary without formally joining the PPG.

The membership has expanded with welcome input from the patients at Manzil Way. Further engagement with other groups will carry on this year. I met with Saskia Chubb, the Student Union President at Oxford Brookes and met practice staff at the OBU site in Headington, learning more about the specific issues facing students needing medical care and the support facilities provided by the University.

The PPG welcomed Jo Hearle’s decision to stay in post after moving to Devon and the flexibility of the practice which allowed for hybrid working. The PPG wish her well in her new home. The first hybrid meeting of the PPG went well and created a model for future meetings.

Sincere thanks to everyone who has supported the PPG, patients and the practice and in particular Geraldine Coggins, deputy chair. Our group remains relevant and valued by SBMC and I am grateful for members’ personal support.