PPG minutes 12th September 2022




Welcome, attendance and apologies

Present: Jennifer Darnley Chair, Deputy Practice Manager, GP Partner 6 others

Apologies: Four received


Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed to be an accurate record


Matters Arising

  • Extended Opening Hours (item 3). SBMC will continue to hold Saturday morning surgeries with a doctor and a nurse at the same time hosting doctors and patients from the other practices in the Primary Care Network (PCN) This conforms to the requirements for extended hours across the PCN whilst retaining our own clinics.
  • Traffic [Item 4] JD reported on the consultation meeting for the introduction of traffic filters in Oxford City. It had been a noisy meeting, at times verging on the acrimonious with much concern expressed for people with mobility issues, age related as well as disabled (who have exemptions) Particular points of concern were expressed about hospital access., ambulance access, over 70s, those with disabled or hidden disablement and negative effects on clinical staff home visiting.

Practice News

  • Ask First. The practice is replacing e-consult with an app and online tool called AskFirst with the aim of simplifying consultation and other interactions with the practice. It triages concerns allowing for booking in person or online appointments. Some navigation difficulties were reported. It was agreed to monitor use being aware that some patients will have problems with using an app or may not have the technology required.
  • Personnel: Recruitment of a doctor and nurse is ongoing.


JD and GC will discuss ways in which it might be possible to reach members of groups not fully represented who could give input to the PPG discussions without necessarily formally joining the group or attending meetings.

  • Patients being held up in traffic and missing appointments
  • the conduct of the PPG in the upcoming year, until the next meeting.


Covid/flu clinics

Individual practices are providing vaccinations for their patients. Patients will be asked if they wish a Covid booster at the same time as the flu vaccination.


Traffic Management 

Essentially covered under Matters Arising


Date of Next meeting

The group discussed various options, including more in-person meetings. The possibility of hybrid meetings using the meeting room at SBMC was also discussed.

Date of Next meeting: TBA November 2022